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For Patients and Participants

The FLARE Trial investigates how NHS surgeons can best treat patients who have a cut through both flexor tendons at the base of their finger.


View the FLARE trial animation below to give you an insight into why we are running the trial and what activities we are asking patients to complete.









Patient Information Animation

Version: 1.0

Date: 13th March 2023

If you would prefer to read or listen to this information, please find this material available at the bottom of this web page.


Repair one or both tendons?

We want to find out whether repairing only the tendon that bends the top of the finger is at least as good for patients as repairing both tendons. If that turns out to be the case, this could potentially save the NHS a lot of time and money. 


Proven treatments

In NHS hospitals up and down the country, surgeons are currently carrying out both types of operations. We know that both types of operations work, and that each one has pros and cons. At the moment, there is not enough research information to weigh up these pros and cons. That’s why we’re doing the trial. 


Looking for 310 volunteers

We are looking for 310 adult patients across the country to take part in the trial. In hospitals that are working with the FLARE trial, patients will be asked to volunteer. If you volunteer, neither you, nor your surgeon decides whether you will have one or two tendons repaired. Instead, this is decided through a scientific process called randomisation. This gives you exactly a 50 percent chance of either type of surgery. 


The care is the same

Other than not knowing which type of surgery you undergo, you will receive the same level of care, compared with the patients who are not taking part in the trial.


Further information for Trial Participants

Please see below for further information, including the Patient Information Sheet that you will have read when you consented to take part in FLARE. 


Patient Information Sheet

Version: 1.1

Date: 16th January 2023

Click here for Patient Information Sheet


Patient Information Audio Recording

Version: 1.1

Date: 16th January 2023





Would you like more information? Please get in touch by emailing




FLARE Patient Information Audio RecordingArtist Name
00:00 / 21:12
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